Sober Life Focus

Life works much better with direction.  Direction comes through setting and attaining goals.  When we start to gain sobriety in our lives we can finally start to experience setting and attaining some goals.  We don't want to get to far ahead of ourselves and get into overwhelm but setting some attainable goals is healthy and keeps us focused on productive living.  It's also not bad for the self esteem when we start to achieve even the smallest of goals.

Do you have any goals set for yourself over the next week or month?

The program we provide at The Arches Recovery Solutions in Atlanta is so much more then just sober living.  It's fundamentally a life program to learn how to live and learn how to live sober.  Gaining fundamental living skills and relational skills is so crucial to early recovery that our whole dynamic has become focused on working and really honing these critical skills. 

Our whole existence as recovering addicts depends on our relational abilities with ourselves and our fellow man. 

Martin Luther King said, "Every man must decide whether he will walk in the light of creative altruism or in the darkness of destructive selfishness".  How true this is for us but on a much more critical scale. 

In the beginning paragraph of Working With Others in our Big Book is says, "Practical experience shows that nothing will so much insure immunity from drinking as intensive work with other alcoholics.  It works when other activities fail".

Setting goals to help us find and stay on the path of a positive life is valuable but along the way we have to maintain the goal of sobriety and working with others.  Our very existence depends on it and the most valuable part of the sober living program at The Arches Recovery Solutions in Atlanta, Georgia is the strong community of sober men and women we have here.  

If you are looking for structure and accountability with a life developing component to help you learn how to live successfully give us a call.  404-991-3575.


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